This summer, each of the writers here at Rogue Princess Squadron shared our thoughts on the first of Michael Suileabhain-Wilson’s Geek Social Fallacies. You can read our thoughts here: Margaret, Lisa, Caitlin, Alana, and me, Angela. The original...
Adventurer Misadventures: Wine, Women, & Hasty Marriages
posted by Caitlin
This is th how Jerek, half-elf Ranger, was blessed with not one, but four beautiful wives.
Analysis Paralysis
posted by Ang
“What do you want to play?” “I don’t know; what do you want to play?” We’ve all been there: either in a group or internally, the debate about what to do keeps going around and around in a circle, steadily moving further away from...
Pretty Pictures: GenCon LARP Review
posted by Margaret
Elder Entertainment, known for its homebrew Cthulhu LARPs with spooky plot and easy-to-learn rules system, has developed its own con cult following. They’ve developed popular LARPs including (but certainly not limited to) The Victim’s Ball...
Nerd Rage
posted by Caitlin
Ben Affleck is going to be the next Batman. DC’s Lobo is getting a new look. Robocop is being rebooted. What do these three things have in common? Geeks are losing their goddamn minds over them. It’s a little something we call NERD RAGE, and it...
Heroes of Cosplay: A personal reflection
posted by Alana
Syfy channel has been coming out with some really great shows for nerds recently. Face Off is one of their great Reality TV shows that I watch regularly and their new show Heroes of Cosplay comes on right after and hooked me immediately. I love...
Video Game Review: NI NO KUNI
posted by Caitlin
When I was too little to realize that anime was actually animation from a different country, not just a different American style, I saw a movie about a couple of girls, a few dust bunnies, and a large, gray, furry creature. Oh, and a bus that looked...
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