Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you all are having a safe candy filled holiday. Tonight is a night that I enjoy sitting down to a table filled with friends and calling on Cthulhu or dusting off the zombie minis for a night of horror games. If you...
What is LARP?
posted by Alana
I was recently at the very first Twin Tiers Comic Con and was asked to help out with a panel about LARP, Live Action Roleplay. I hang out with some of the Storytellers from Hellmira, a Vampire LARP here in Elmira/Binghamton, NY. I hope you enjoy our...
Waiting for GoT Season 5
posted by Alana
Things to do with your Sunday now that Game of Thrones Season 4 is over: 1) Find a friend who hasn’t seen it yet so you have a reason to re-watch the previous seasons. 2) Try to read the books. (Or if you have read the...
Family Reunions
posted by Alana
As we move to the summer months many families have large get together over BBQ and pasta salad. Nerds do this type of get together as well but instead of a watermelon or hotdogs we bring a new board game for the family to try out. With great...
Psychological Warfare: Kickstarter Edition
posted by Alana
As some of you may know a couple of us Princesses have gotten to playtest Psychological Warfare this Con Season. Yesterday DPH Games started their very first Kickstarter and needs your help to publish the game. All of the money for his Kickstarter...
Cache Me If You Can!
posted by Alana
This weekend I got the chance to try a new game, Cache Me If You Can, a board game about Geocaching created by DPH Games Inc. I went into this as a muggle, meaning I have never geocached before, but I do enjoy board games. There are no dice and...
Adventuring: Once Upon A Time
posted by Alana
I love Fairy Tales, from the ones truly watered down for the smallest child, like Disney’s Little Mermaid, to horror movies, like Black Swan. So when Once Upon A Time, OUAT, came out I was thrilled. I get to have a new Fairy Tale every week, yes...
Corporia RPG Kickstarter
posted by Alana
An exciting new gaming book with the help of Kickstarter and donors like you, Corporia RPG is a setting that takes place in modern day if the Knights of the Round Table were reincarnated into CEOs. It has 4 days left on Kickstarter to earn its goal....
Women at the Gaming Table
posted by Alana
Recently 3 of the 5 Princesses went to Con on the Cob, a convention in Akron, OH and my very favorite con. The creator of the con asked people to volunteer to do a panel. So naturally I took the bull by the horns and volunteered us. ((Next time...
Goblins, Lizards, and Golems Oh My!
posted by Alana
During GenCon I was able to attend a panel about an upcoming dungeon crawl by Pathfinder. The scenario is called Emerald Spire and I have been waiting for it since I found out about it from the Pathfinder MMORPG Kickstarter. I’m really looking...
Geek Social Fallacies: GSF2 – Alana’s Take
posted by Alana
This summer, each of the writers here at Rogue Princess Squadron shared our thoughts on the first of Michael Suileabhain-Wilson’s Geek Social Fallacies. You can read our thoughts here: Margaret, Lisa, Caitlin, Alana, and me, Angela. The original...
Heroes of Cosplay: A personal reflection
posted by Alana
Syfy channel has been coming out with some really great shows for nerds recently. Face Off is one of their great Reality TV shows that I watch regularly and their new show Heroes of Cosplay comes on right after and hooked me immediately. I love...
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