It has been almost ten years since I last played EverQuest. Ten years since I last logged in to run across the digital fields of Norrath and join my guildmates in taking down some epic level monster. More importantly, it has been ten years since I...
Gamer Goals: 2014
posted by Ang
Happy New Year! I hope you celebrated with those you love and didn’t wake up with a hangover this morning. (Or maybe just a tiny hangover.) Every New Year begins with the hope that the awesome will far outweigh the suck in the coming months....
Subtle Flaws
posted by Ang
Stubborn. Overconfident. Obsessed. Cowardly. Clumsy. Argumentative. Curious. Unlucky. Forgetful. A while back, Caitlin posted a great article on ideas to help flesh a new character out. Most of the work is in how we connect with and then portray our...
Behind the Scenes Danger
posted by Ang
One of the common pieces of advice you’ll hear for running better low-preparation or improvised games is to have a solid understanding of what is happening in the world around your PCs. The concept is that if you know what the important NPCs,...
posted by Ang
Time for a little bit of administrative updatedness. (Yes, I know that’s not really a word.) First, we’re sad to share the news that Lisa, one of our founding princesses, is retiring as a regular author. For a variety of reasons that...
Horror if You Don’t Like Horror
posted by Ang
The time of the seasonal, holiday horror game is upon us and I have a confession: I think Cthulhu is stupid. I can hear the gasps from here. Apologies to anyone who loves the Cthulhu mythos and similar types of horror, because I know there are many...
Playing Favorites
posted by Ang
If you’re a GM, you’ve done it. You may not have meant to and may not have even realized you were doing it. Or maybe you do realize you’re doing it and you don’t care how it affects your players. Either way, we GMs have all played...
Geek Social Fallacies: GSF2 – Ang’s Take
posted by Ang
This is the fifth and final in our series discussing the second of the five geek social fallacies as initially written about by Michael Suileabhain-Wilson. Each day this week, we’ve heard from a different princess (author) on the subject....
Analysis Paralysis
posted by Ang
“What do you want to play?” “I don’t know; what do you want to play?” We’ve all been there: either in a group or internally, the debate about what to do keeps going around and around in a circle, steadily moving further away from...
Your Mileage May Vary
posted by Ang
Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it sucks. This should be something that’s easily understood, as its common sense that we all have different tastes, but too many people treat anything they dislike as something everyone...
Visual GenCon ’13 Recap
posted by Ang
This year marked my eighth consecutive GenCon. When I realized that, I was surprised, since 2006, my first GenCon, doesn’t seem that long ago. The math doesn’t lie, though. In just two more years, I’ll hit a full decade of attendance,...
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