Much like a couple of my fellow Princesses, I am a huge fan of superheroes. I grew up watching Batman: The Animated Series; Spider-Man; X-Men; and many other cartoons where people in tights saved the world. When the first Wolverine & Friends...
Adventurer Misadventures: Spiders and Iron Workers and Wrenches (Oh My!)
posted by Caitlin
Normally my characters are fairly smart. I like being able to have an excuse to out-think NPCs in a game. I find it enjoyable. And then there are times when I just need to hit things. Guess what this is a story about? I was playing a...
Stranger Than Fantasy: Real Life Inspirations for Running RPGs
posted by Caitlin
“You walk into the Necromancer’s lair. The air is putrid and stale, and you can’t see more than a few inches in front of your face.” “Somebody got a torch?” “I have one. I’ll light it.” “The the torch illuminates the...
Broken Age: Act I — (Caitlin’s Take)
posted by Caitlin
Two years ago, almost to the day, the Double Fine Adventure Game Kickstarter funded at 833% of the goal amount it had asked for, smashing all sorts of Kickstarter records. A little while back, Act One of the Double Fine Adventure–called BROKEN...
Adventurer Misadventures: Innuendon’ts
posted by Caitlin
This is a story from the World of Darkness Crossover Game I was in for a time. For your own sanity: DO NOT EVER RUN OR PLAY IN A WoD CROSSOVER GAME–an article about that will probably pop up some time in the future. My much-stressed Hunter,...
The “Evil” Conundrum
posted by Caitlin
I have a problem. Well, it’s not really a problem, per se. It’s just some sort of weird, mental block. When playing RPGs of any stripe, I can’t be evil. Let’s clarify a little bit: when I’m your GM, I will make you cry. I will milk every...
Adventurer Misadventures: The Starbucks Incident.
posted by Caitlin
*A version of this story appeared on my previous blog, Adventurer Misadventures. This is a short story about my long-running character, Aeniyah the Acanthus Mage, and how she learned the perils of chasing bad guys into public Starbucks bathrooms...
RPG Fantasy Table: Authors Edition
posted by Caitlin
In Fantasy Football/Baseball/Basketball, people pick what players they think would make the best sports team based on a bunch of statistics the layman doesn’t understand, and try to convince themselves and everyone around them that this is less...
Adventurer Misadventures: How to Win Friends & Defenestrate People
posted by Caitlin
In 2012, I was at a small convention and had one of those unfortunate/fortunate incidents where my game didn’t get enough players to get off the ground, meaning I was able to hop over to the table of one of my favorite GMs, Mage Mistress. She...
Adventures in Dungeon Painting
posted by Caitlin
Back in April (2013) I was [REDACTED] dollars into the Dwarven Forge Kickstarter, amongst a few others. A few weeks ago, I received the bits and pieces of my soon-to-be-epic-dungeon terrain, and like a small child during a holiday that will not be...
Halloween Gaming: Betrayal at House on the Hill
posted by Caitlin
On Halloween, nothing could be spookier than spending the night in a haunted house with your friends, exploring the corridors, looking for hidden passages, and perhaps trying to solve the mystery of all the previous people that disappeared in its...
Geek Social Fallacies: GSF2 – Caitlin’s Take
posted by Caitlin
This is the second in our series discussing the second of the five geek social fallacies as initially written about by Michael Suileabhain-Wilson. Each day this week, we’re going to hear a different princess’s (author’s) thoughts on this....
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