Anniversary Giveaway
A year ago this month, Rogue Princess Squadron was officially released to the world. It had been an idea Alana and I had been kicking around for a while, and even though I was skeptical we’d actually get it off the ground, I have come to learn never to doubt Alana when she announces she is going to do something. With the added words and wisdom of Margaret, Lisa, Caitlin, and eventually Elle, this blog got up and running successfully.
It’s been an amazing year finding our footing along with our collective voices. We’ve done what we can to promote the blog, from our Facebook page to handing out business cards and flyers to anyone that would take them at the various cons we’ve attended. We’ve come a long way from those early days of saying ‘What if’, but we’ve still got a lot further we can go. There’s a whole new year ahead of us with even more conventions and plenty more games. We intend to fill it with as much awesome as possible.
We couldn’t have done this without several folks that we need to toss thanks out to. First, our tech guru, John Arcadian, made the entire site possible, from setting up the code to hosting the site to answering my dumb questions on formatting minutia. There’s also Scott Myers, who wrote our first guest article and has always been a voice of support, and Sue Zuris for helping out with editing our infancy. Ultimately, most importantly, we need to thank our readers. Without you guys, we would just be shouting into the wind.
To help celebrate our anniversary, we’ve decided to do a little giveaway. Here are the four fabulous prizes that we’re going to be giving away:
- Books!
A copy of The Lands of Fire and Ice, an atlas of the world within ‘Game of Thrones’, and a SIGNED copy of Luck in the Shadows by Lynn Flewelling - Game!
A copy of AEG’s “Love Letter”, an award winning game where you try and get YOUR love letter to the Princess before anyone else. - Art!
A character sketch by Elle. Black and white, line art or shaded, you describe your character and she’ll draw them for you. - Jewelry!
Designed by In the Spice Rack, an adorable Rogue Tokidoki Necklace.
How to Enter:
Leave a comment on this post, letting us know which article in the last year you enjoyed most. You’re welcome to comment more than once, but we’re only going to count one comment from each member. Entries will be accepted for 24 hours – from when this post goes live until tomorrow at 8am.
Winners for each item will be chosen randomly. We’ll contact each winner and make arrangements to get the awesome shiny to you. Once each winner has been contacted, we’ll announce them here on the blog.
Thank you again to all our readers for making this anniversary even remotely possible. We look forward to the next year of blogging about all things gaming related!
So…you want me to choose which article I like best… Impossible. That is like asking me which steak is better or beer or scotch and they are all great quality steaks, beers or scotches.
So.. I shall not choose by singular article I shall choose by many.
Alana- Women at the Gaming table.
Ang- Horror if you don’t like Horror.
Caitlin- Nerd Rage
Elle- Character Research Mental Illness
Margaret-ADGNEPSEF555 Gencon 2013(it is almost cheating knew I would vote for this).
There… I have chosen…wisely as I did not chose a singular Princess. Mine is obviously not in another castle.
My favorite Scotch is probably Dalwhinnie, but I’m really looking forward to this 18 year single malt Glenmorangie that I picked up the other day.
Wait. What was the question? Brian distracted me.
Your favorite article from the past year. But I understand Brian can be very distracting.
I’m quite fond of laphroaig, myself.
I choose “Eating Well at the Con.” Very good and important article for people like me who all too often end up starving themselves at cons.
It was tough task to pick a single favorite article. After ambivilating and/or oscillating between several, I finally landed on “It’s Not the System.” I think its representative of my favourite types of articles ya’ll write: personal anecdotes that are grown into broader discussions of rpg nerdery and/or issues. Keep up the good work, ladies. I look forward to more gamery goodness.
I loved Playing Favorites! The article, not the actual act of playing favorites.
I loved the Geek Social Fallacies series. Happy birthday, RPS! <3
Happy Birthday/Anniversary, RPS!
My favs:
Alana: Adventuring: Once upon a time
Ang: Bringing out the good china
Caitlin: Adventures in Dungeon Painting & authors fantasy table
Elle: Character inspiration for when you’re not really inspired
Margaret: Couples Cosplay
Lisa: Avoiding con crud
And the social fallacy discussion!
Your comments are always heartening and super welcome!
I really liked Ang’s “Your Mileage May Vary” post.
Well, it is recent, but I enjoyed reading Everquest to Neverwinter. Plus the title is interesting ib an “opposites, yet the same” sort of way.
Tristan too mentiined another good one!