*A version of this story appeared on my previous blog, Adventurer Misadventures. This is a short story about my long-running character, Aeniyah the Acanthus Mage, and how she learned the perils of chasing bad guys into public Starbucks bathrooms...
A Gamer Holiday Tradition
posted by Margaret
The holiday season is upon us. To all gamers of all backgrounds, I warmly wish you a happy Christmakwanzakkah– and Thanksgiving! This is the time to celebrate all of the things that matter most– gathering with family, friends, loved...
Adventures in Dungeon Painting
posted by Caitlin
Back in April (2013) I was [REDACTED] dollars into the Dwarven Forge Kickstarter, amongst a few others. A few weeks ago, I received the bits and pieces of my soon-to-be-epic-dungeon terrain, and like a small child during a holiday that will not be...
posted by Ang
Time for a little bit of administrative updatedness. (Yes, I know that’s not really a word.) First, we’re sad to share the news that Lisa, one of our founding princesses, is retiring as a regular author. For a variety of reasons that...
Halloween: Couples Cosplay
posted by Margaret
Hey there, everybody! Today, I want to talk to you about cosplay. Couples cosplay. On Halloween. Back story: I really really REALLY love Halloween. Halloween is my favorite holiday. It is MY christmakwanzakah…topped with candy. Candy that I...
Nerd Rage
posted by Caitlin
Ben Affleck is going to be the next Batman. DC’s Lobo is getting a new look. Robocop is being rebooted. What do these three things have in common? Geeks are losing their goddamn minds over them. It’s a little something we call NERD RAGE, and it...
Meanwhile, Not At GenCon. . . .
posted by Caitlin
My fellow Princesses were whooping it up at GenCon this past weekend, but, (alas!) I was unable to make it there this year. Which was disappointing, because it was also my birthday this past weekend, and there is nothing that I enjoy more than a...
Let’s get packing!
posted by Alana
So GenCon is coming up fast (I will be at GenCon when this posts) and I’m doing laundry to make sure that I have all of the nerdy clothes cleaned I want to wear to the main event. Now if you don’t know what GenCon is, it’s the biggest gaming...
The Salvation of Ravenblood Games
posted by Caitlin
Behold, the Gods of Gaming: they giveth, and they taketh away. And sometimes, they do it in the opposite order. Remember a while back, when I was lamenting the soon-to-be-closing of my FLGS, Ravenblood Games? Well, those Gods of Gaming decided to...
Equinox Youth Outreach and Gaming
posted by Margaret
Hey all, Margaret here with a quickie post. I have a couple good posts undergoing some serious writing right now, and then it’s off to our Editor Sue for some proofreading. In the meantime, I wish to bring up Equinox Inc. and their Youth...
An Ode to Ravenblood Games
posted by Caitlin
This is an ode. An ode to my FLGS (Friendly Local Game Store), Ravenblood Games. When I left college, I left behind most of my gaming folks. I was RPGless—a tragic state, to be sure. After a while, I got antsy. I needed my gaming fix. I decided to...
My Gamer Turn-off: What do you mean, you never played (insert title here)??
posted by Margaret
Yeah, you guys know what I’m talking about, and I’m sure it’s annoying to you too. “What do you mean, you’ve never played (title)?” “You haven’t seen (TV show/movie/play)? You’re not a true...
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