“What do you want to play?” “I don’t know; what do you want to play?” We’ve all been there: either in a group or internally, the debate about what to do keeps going around and around in a circle, steadily moving further away from...
Character Vs. Story
posted by Caitlin
Waaaay back in my introduction, I mentioned that I came to Roleplaying by way of Jeff Hannes’s Dramatic Roleplaying Tournament. Every year since then, I’ve gone to Jeff’s own little “JeffCon,” a weekend get-together with about 30 gamers...
Your Mileage May Vary
posted by Ang
Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it sucks. This should be something that’s easily understood, as its common sense that we all have different tastes, but too many people treat anything they dislike as something everyone...
ADGNEPSEF555: GenCon 2013
posted by Margaret
ADGNEPSEF555: Advanced Dimensional Green Ninja Educational Preparatory Super Elementary Fortress 555, A Windmill Games Creation The first time I played ADGNEPSEF555 at Origins Game Fair just a few short years ago, I have to admit that I felt...
Super Bad
posted by Ang
I absolutely LOVE super hero RPGs. Some of my favorite games and campaigns have all been super hero based. Heck, you may have picked up this fact from some of my previous posts. From my introduction to Champions back in 1989 to my very first GMing...
Adventurer Misadventures: “Haints!” or “Why I Never Volunteer to Be Team Leader”
posted by Caitlin
*Originally this story appeared on my previous blog, Adventurer Misadventures. I tend to wind up being “Team Leader” in RPGs. I don’t know quite how it happens. Aenaiyah, my Acanthus Mage, doesn’t care for any sort of responsibility but...
Inspiration Without Duplication
posted by Ang
Back in ye old days of college, the gaming group I played with had an ongoing Champions campaign where our characters were super-powered teenagers attending a private boarding school in the northeastern US. The school was most definitely NOT called...
It’s Not the System
posted by Ang
Origins was fantastic. Pretty much everything about the experience this year was enjoyable. The games I played were all good, I got to see good friends I only get to see at cons and got to meet new, awesome people that will hopefully be friends in...
On Playing Characters with Disabilities
posted by Lisa
In many game systems, there are rules in place to accommodate playing characters with disabilities. This article is not so much about the rules as it is about the playing of those characters. The role-playing rather than the roll-playing, if you...
Adventurer Misadventures: Flash Frozen–The Death of Valeria de Valfierno
posted by Caitlin
*Originally this story appeared on my previous blog, Adventurer Misadventures. Every roleplayer has had one of those moments where a sensible little voice inside their brain goes “That’s the stupidest thing you could possibly do!” The most...
Adventurer Misadventures: The Lich in the Spigot
posted by Caitlin
A little background: I used to write funny RPG stories on a blog called Adventurer Misadventures. I have decided that, as a semi-regular feature of mine, I will keep up the Adventurer Misadventures tradition here on RPS, starting with a D&D...
Cheat Sheets: Doctor Who
posted by Ang
I love me some good cheat sheets. They can be a quick and dirty way to compile the information you need in any given game without having to waste valuable game time flipping through rule books. It’s one reason why GM screens still show up so...
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