On Halloween, nothing could be spookier than spending the night in a haunted house with your friends, exploring the corridors, looking for hidden passages, and perhaps trying to solve the mystery of all the previous people that disappeared in its...
Halloween: Couples Cosplay
posted by Margaret
Hey there, everybody! Today, I want to talk to you about cosplay. Couples cosplay. On Halloween. Back story: I really really REALLY love Halloween. Halloween is my favorite holiday. It is MY christmakwanzakah…topped with candy. Candy that I...
Goblins, Lizards, and Golems Oh My!
posted by Alana
During GenCon I was able to attend a panel about an upcoming dungeon crawl by Pathfinder. The scenario is called Emerald Spire and I have been waiting for it since I found out about it from the Pathfinder MMORPG Kickstarter. I’m really looking...
Horror if You Don’t Like Horror
posted by Ang
The time of the seasonal, holiday horror game is upon us and I have a confession: I think Cthulhu is stupid. I can hear the gasps from here. Apologies to anyone who loves the Cthulhu mythos and similar types of horror, because I know there are many...
Playing Favorites
posted by Ang
If you’re a GM, you’ve done it. You may not have meant to and may not have even realized you were doing it. Or maybe you do realize you’re doing it and you don’t care how it affects your players. Either way, we GMs have all played...
Silent Hill 2 and Guilt: Part 4
posted by Margaret
Guilty James in the “Prisonic Fairytale”: In the previous sections, I gave a brief survey on previous writing about Silent Hill. That was essentially “Part One” of the essay broken down into more appropriate lengths for a blog post....
Geek Social Fallacies: GSF2 – Ang’s Take
posted by Ang
This is the fifth and final in our series discussing the second of the five geek social fallacies as initially written about by Michael Suileabhain-Wilson. Each day this week, we’ve heard from a different princess (author) on the subject....
Geek Social Fallacies: GSF2 – Lisa’s Take
posted by Lisa
This is the fourth in our series discussing the second of the five geek social fallacies as initially written about by Michael Suileabhain-Wilson. Each day this week, we’re going to hear a different princess’s (author’s) thoughts on this....
Geek Social Fallacies: GSF2 – Margaret’s Take
posted by Margaret
This is the third in our series discussing the second of the five geek social fallacies as initially written about by Michael Suileabhain-Wilson. Each day this week, we’re going to hear a different princess’s (author’s) thoughts on this....
Geek Social Fallacies: GSF2 – Caitlin’s Take
posted by Caitlin
This is the second in our series discussing the second of the five geek social fallacies as initially written about by Michael Suileabhain-Wilson. Each day this week, we’re going to hear a different princess’s (author’s) thoughts on this....
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