Hey, everybody! Let me tell you all about a fun game from Origins 2015. It’s called “A Tragedy in Five Acts,” made by Growling Door Games. If you are a fan of Shakespearean tragedy, or if you just like cooperative storytelling in...
Interview: Marker Jones of United Sight Studios
posted by Ang
I recently had the pleasure of doing an interview of Marker Jones, head of United Sight Studios for the upcoming digital convention, AetherCon. Marker is the creative force behind the recently released Worlds of Rage RPG. He has worked as both a...
Outbreak: Undead Halloween
posted by Alana
Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you all are having a safe candy filled holiday. Tonight is a night that I enjoy sitting down to a table filled with friends and calling on Cthulhu or dusting off the zombie minis for a night of horror games. If you...
Fleshing Flesh
posted by Elle
The GM’s gotten everyone around the table – characters rolled, feats selected, classes discussed so the party’s as cohesive as it’s going to get. The coffee’s re-filled in everyone’s cups. The GM spins a story, lays out the...
Adventurer Misadventures: Innuendon’ts
posted by Caitlin
This is a story from the World of Darkness Crossover Game I was in for a time. For your own sanity: DO NOT EVER RUN OR PLAY IN A WoD CROSSOVER GAME–an article about that will probably pop up some time in the future. My much-stressed Hunter,...
Character Inspiration for When You’re Not Really Inspired
posted by Elle
I’m in the process of making a character for an ongoing game of Scion. It’s a play-by-post kind of game, and I was playing for a while as a different character, so I’m familiar with the setting as the Storytellers are writing it. I know the...
Subtle Flaws
posted by Ang
Stubborn. Overconfident. Obsessed. Cowardly. Clumsy. Argumentative. Curious. Unlucky. Forgetful. A while back, Caitlin posted a great article on ideas to help flesh a new character out. Most of the work is in how we connect with and then portray our...
Corporia RPG Kickstarter
posted by Alana
An exciting new gaming book with the help of Kickstarter and donors like you, Corporia RPG is a setting that takes place in modern day if the Knights of the Round Table were reincarnated into CEOs. It has 4 days left on Kickstarter to earn its goal....
Adventurer Misadventures: How to Win Friends & Defenestrate People
posted by Caitlin
In 2012, I was at a small convention and had one of those unfortunate/fortunate incidents where my game didn’t get enough players to get off the ground, meaning I was able to hop over to the table of one of my favorite GMs, Mage Mistress. She...
Roleplaying Aware Consensual…
posted by Elle
It’s Friday night, and you’re sitting around with your gaming group. But the game isn’t until Saturday. So what are you doing? If you’re anything like me and my friends, you’re probably talking about the game. I do...
Horror if You Don’t Like Horror
posted by Ang
The time of the seasonal, holiday horror game is upon us and I have a confession: I think Cthulhu is stupid. I can hear the gasps from here. Apologies to anyone who loves the Cthulhu mythos and similar types of horror, because I know there are many...
Adventurer Misadventures: Wine, Women, & Hasty Marriages
posted by Caitlin
This is th how Jerek, half-elf Ranger, was blessed with not one, but four beautiful wives.
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